Should I Stay or Should I Go?

  Executives have two roles; 1) creating value and 2) motivating talent. Value creation requires combining resources and capabilities to sustain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Motivating talent requires leveraging human capital through effective...

Teamwork: a Work in progress

Teamwork visualized. I love F1, the speed, the colors, the venues, the technology, and the Teamwork. Pit stops are one of the most exciting elements of a Formula 1 race. They’re loud, critical, lightning-quick, and can be the difference between victory and defeat. It...

Are You Sending Mixed Signals?

  Is it possible that you are sending mixed signals to your Team? Some days it’s a “GO,” others it’s “STOP,” with a few “MAYBES” in-between. Alternatively; Do you say one thing yet act differently? Do your...

Have you called your business recently?

Your telephone is indispensable to the life of your business. Have you called your business recently? If you have not, please do! What did you experience? Does your phone ring and ring and go to voice mail? Is it answered with “Please listen carefully as our...

Analysis Paralysis…try this Instead

Analysis Paralysis… Do you seek additional information constantly when faced with making a choice? Once you have more information, does that satisfy you or create even more questions that now require more information and analysis. Does this cycle ever repeat, causing...