Going Slow in the Fast Lane

  Reading time- 1 min 22 sec I drive the interstate frequently during my daily commute. At times it can become a monotonous and hypnotizing experience. I spend the drive time listening to music, podcasts, books on tape, along with thinking and planning my day....

What’s on your “Do-Not-Do” list?

What, a Do Not Do List? We are all “list” makers; after all, that is how we get the important things done. We can’t cross something off our list unless it first makes it onto the list. Our typical list would contain “prompts” and “reminders” of what tasks, chores,...

Dealing with Difficult Employees: Nip it in the bud!

It’s human nature to avoid what is painful, regardless if the pain is physical, emotional, financial, or even at work. Do any of these sound familiar in your workplace? tardiness bickering absenteeism micromanaging backstabbing employee turnover rules are not followed...

I/O- Input to Output- How is Yours?

  So, how is your Input to Output.? If you are like most people today your I to O ratio is magnitudes greater than one.  We receive inputs from so many sources in our connected and web-enabled world.  Sometimes though the inputs are so numerous that we...

Information: What can you Remove and not Notice?

We are inundated with information and data every day. With information, more is not always better. Every day we use data in the form of sound and images, which have undergone some form of data compression to make transmission, use, and storage more efficient. We have...

What’s your SUPERpower?

So what is your SUPERpower? Did you even know you have one? Well, you do! Let’s pause for a few moments and think. What do you do well? What do you enjoy doing most? What comes easy and natural for you? What leverages the most significant results for you with minimal...

Think Stronger-Know Your Cognitive Biases

https://darabadvisors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/EP23.mp4 Cognitive Biases affect how we make everyday decisions, big and small as well as how we think about and invest our money and create our wealth. A cognitive bias is an error in cognition that arises in a...