100% GPT-3 Free

100% GPT-3 Free

I am dating myself here, but I remember the ad along with cassette tapes… “Is it live, or is it Memorex? Who knows?” Marketers create labels that send signals and messages to consumers. Industries and producers go to great lengths to differentiate...

Sharpen Your Strategic Thinking Here

  Strategic Thinking is the hard stuff of business. If you are looking for a few ideas to strengthen your strategic thinking, sharpen your ability to see new solutions, think more critically, and be more analytical to help impact your business’s growth and...

5 Key Mindsets for Business Growth

Growth is essential for a business; leaders aspire to achieve it, yet for most, it remains elusive. McKinsey states that 25% of companies show no growth, and over the last decade, only 1 in 8 achieved more than 10% annual revenue growth. It turns out that achieving...

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

  Executives have two roles; 1) creating value and 2) motivating talent. Value creation requires combining resources and capabilities to sustain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Motivating talent requires leveraging human capital through effective...

Got Strategy?

Every company says they have a Strategy; many do not, including those that believe they do. Let’s start by seeing what Strategy is not. When the redundant, non-essential, and distracting elements are removed, what remains begins to look more like Strategy....