So what is your SUPERpower?
Did you even know you have one? Well, you do!
Let’s pause for a few moments and think. What do you do well? What do you enjoy doing most? What comes easy and natural for you? What leverages the most significant results for you with minimal inputs? What brings new clients, customers, or patients to you? Why do they seek you out rather than your competitors?
These are your SUPERpowers! They are unique to you. It would be time well spent identifying them, knowing them, and magnifying them through more learning and study.
Remember, you can’t be all things to all people.
Know what you do well and do it. News of your SUPERpower will spread. Your SUPERpowers will attract the others that you seek to serve and need your skills.
Is it possible that what you enjoy pulls you to engage and learn more, making you better in the process while at the same time finding more Joy?
Funny how that happens!