More Signal or More Noise? Which Do You Provide? Prefer?

by | May 30, 2021 | theMBAbrain


How do you communicate with your audience? your customers? your patients?

Do you send Signals? or Do you send Noise?

Signals are filled with valuable information, are received gladly, and consumed entirely, leaving the recipient anxious to hear from you again.

Noise is annoying, it interrupts,  it steals our attention, it’s phony, it’s malarky.  Noise is avoided, deleted, and ignored.  If consumed by accident it leaves the recipient feeling flimflammed.

Which do you prefer to receive? Signals or Noise?

Today’s Markets are exceedingly Noisy. Seems everyone is competing for the attention of someone. You are told you must have the most Likes, Follows, and Shares to be of any value. If you don’t you must fix and improve those Metrics or risk falling behind. Falling behind? I didn’t know this was a race!

The tactics to inflate your social media metrics are pure noise. It must be to gain the attention of someone, anyone. In the process, you risk annoying the exact audience you wish to serve. Too many Click baits, pop-ups, emails, or newsletters and you run the chance of being deleted, unfollowed, and turned off. You lost your chance to create a loyal customer.

Try instead to send Signals, something of Value that is received with excitement. The Signal is so clear and that it is received with anticipation. This Signal would be missed if not received.

These valuable Signals must be uniquely crafted for the people you wish to serve and the change you wish to create. These Signals should serve to inform and educate, not sell. These Signals can be Art of various forms as well. Whichever medium or content your audience prefers delivered through their preferred channel.

Signals are Content that Informs and Educate.

Your website, blog, newsletter, pdf’s, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter posts must contain your original content, content that you own, not content that is “canned”, “subscribed to”, or “templated”. You can’t be different, stand out, or be found if you look like everyone else.

Yes, this is hard work. Yes, this takes effort and thought. Do the work and your audience and influence will grow.



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